As a Ray White Ascot tenant, we encourage you to be aware of your rights and responsibilities associated with your tenancy. Some key information has been collated for your convenience below. For further information, we advise you contact the Rental Tennant Authority (RTA).
Your rights
• Lessor/agent access to your premises
The agent must notify you regarding entry using an Entry Notice (Form 9). The amount of notice varies, depending on the requirements for entry. A general guide to minimum notice as outline by the RTA:
• General inspection: 7 days
• Maintenance: 24 hours (unless in a remote area)
• In emergency: no notice required
• If premises is reportedly abandoned: 24 hours
• To show for a prospective tenant: 24 hours
• By order of the Small Claims Tribunal: as stated by the Order
• Repairs
The tenant must give notice to the lessor/agent about the need for routine repairs, preferably in writing, as soon as practicable after becoming aware of it. The lessor/agent is then responsible for arranging for the repairs to be carried out, within a reasonable time.
• Maintenance
The Residential Tenancies Act 1994 (the Act) specifies that the lessor/agent is responsible for:
• maintaining the premises in such a way that the premises remain fit for the tenant to live in; and
• maintaining the premises and the inclusions in good repair, that is, in a good working condition, having regard to their condition at the start of the tenancy.
The tenant should inform the lessor/agent of any maintenance that is needed, preferably in writing.
A Notice to Remedy Breach (Form 11) may be used for this purpose.
Source: Residential Tenancies Authority
Your responsibilities
• Carpets
It is the tenant’s responsibility to take reasonable care of any existing carpets. The carpets need to be professionally steam-cleaned prior to vacation of the tenancy.
• Electricity, gas and telephone
Phone, power and gas (if required) are the responsibility of the tenant. All final accounts need to be settled at the end of the tenancy.
• Keys
Tenants are required to take care of the keys supplied. Duplicate copies are kept at Ray White Ascot in case of emergency. All keys need to be returned at the end of the tenancy.
• Insurance
We recommend all tenants take out contents insurance to protect their belongings.
• Mail redirection
Following vacation of the rental property, please don’t forget to redirect your mail!
• Payment of rent and rental bond
A rental bond is required and is lodged with the Residential Tenancy Authority (RTA) within 10 days of being received. The rental bond is returned in full to the tenant at the end of the tenancy, providing there is no damage or undue wear and tear to the property.
The first rent payment is made two weeks in advance. Future payments are at the agreed regular intervals (weekly or fornightly).
• Pets
Unless agreed to by the owner, pets are strictly forbidden. This is essential to protecting the property from damage and ensuring the tenants rental bond is returned in full.